Saturday, May 25, 2013

The Authorship Debate

To my fellow readers, this will probably be my last post.. Very sad.. It was great fun writing this blog! :')

As I have mentioned in one of my previous posts, did Shakespeare really write his own plays?? Such a controversial topic that when thought about twice might actually lead to confusion. 

At first when I read about the main objective of the Authorship Debate, I seriously thought it was absurd. Perhaps jealousy from scholars triggered such questions. But then I thought 'what if he really didn't write these plays?' 'What if someone else wrote them and he had the privilege of signing his name on them?' But why would someone do that? Lets open our minds for a second. What if.. someone, not allowed to reveal his/her name decided to use Shakespeare's? Because being a playwright during that time was a low-classed job, perhaps someone of high name decided to hand over the work to Shakespeare, considering his already established low class. I know, kinda confusing!! 

What also made me suspicious is the fact that these lines are written in one of the plays:
"What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet."
Soooo.. Maybe?
Why wouldn't people draw to conclusions though? 
Evidence. Evidence. Evidence. There's just not enough of it! 

There are a number of theories surrounding the authorship of Shakespeare’s plays, but most are based on the following ideas:
  1. That there were two different William Shakespeares one working London and another thee William Shakespeare of Stratford-upon-Avon and that they were two different people. They have been falsely connected by historians and scholars
  2. That someone called William Shakespeare did work at the theatre (Globe), however did not write the plays. Someone else wrote the plays but Shakespeare was signing them
  3. William Shakespeare was a 'pen name' for another writer – or a group of writers
Conspiracy theories that someone else wrote the plays:
  1. When Shakespeare died, none of his contemporary writers made tribute to him 
  2. Evidence to my previous point; there is no record of Shakespeare ever attending Stratford-upon-Avon grammar school (however, school records were not kept back then)
  3. Shakespeare did not have the university education required to write with such knowledge  (although he would have been introduced to the classics at school in Stratford-upon-Avon)
The critics who believe Shakespeare did write his own plays are generally called "Stratfordian's". They believe that the famous Bard was indeed a poet, playwright and an actor. Critics known as "Oxfordian's" argue that a more likely contender may have been Edward De Vere (1550-1604), Christopher Marlowe, Sir Francis Bacon, William Stanley or Derby!
William, Oxford, Bacon, Derby,
 and Marlowe have each been
 proposed as the true author. 

Exactly who wrote under the name of William Shakespeare?? Perhaps the plays were written to instill political propaganda? Or to hide the identity of some high-profile public figure?

The 'suspects' Edward De Vere, Christopher Marlowe, Sir Francis Bacon, William Stanley or Derby had their own so-alled 'alibis' or reasons. Like Edward was educated enough, however had a high social standing which could've been the reason of him not writing it by his name. Christopher was said to have been born the same year as Shakespeare but died when Shakespeare starting writing plays. Perhaps he didn't die. Maybe he was the one writing the plays instead? Sir Bacon (hahaha!) was said to have been educated enough as well, and there was no evident reason as to why would he write under pseudonym. 
I have recently read an article about: "Famous people that changed their failure to success stories". Some of the famous people include: Einstein, Darwin, Socrates, J.K Rowling and even Elvis Presley. How does this link to Shakespeare? Well the person who links greatly to Shakespeare is Einstein.
Albert Einstein, the human genious of the century, wasn't able to speak until the age of four. Wasn't able to write until the age of seven. His teachers described him to be 'mentally handicapped', and he was literally expelled from school! HOWEVER, his steel determination and geniousness eventually led him to the platform of success, winning a noble prize.. Back to Shakespeare -> It was said that Shakespeare did not attend Stratford-upon-Avon Grammar school, the only school in Stratford-upon-Avon. Perhaps its a genius thing. That they were both too smart or too different for their eras. Shakespeare's work is unmatched until this day, it was completely different than what was offered during his time, so perhaps he really did write them. But I can't just draw conclusions, not enough evidence.

It really could've been Shakespeare! He might've been a genius after all, and not everyone should be fully educated to be this smart. Being educated during that time was learing the same old curriculum, he didn't follow the curriculum everyone did. So thats also a reason why he could've written his plays. 
Another point would be 'Human Greed'. Yeah, that's right! Would someone write all these wonderful plays and let another use his/her own name ? I don't think so. Well.. unless honour is involved then thats a maybe.

Whoever it was, Shakespeare, Edward, Christopher, Bacon, William or Derby, ''What's done can't be undone". So let's all enjoy what this person has offered! 

Anonymous is a recently made film about who wrote Shakespeare's plays. Seems pretty interesting, watch the trailer here!


  1. Hessa, I'm going to miss your weekly posts. I'm going to miss telling you to comment on my blog, and you telling me to comment on yours. ANYWAYS, I think you've done really well on your last blog post, and I think that's really important, because you need to leave an impression before you actually leave :'( I don't know if that made any sense, but yes, i really liked what you've written and I liked how your opinion was shared even more this week. WELL DONEEE :D

  2. Hessa - an excellent examination of the authorship question - great work!! I will miss reading your blogs - you have improved week after week, and I have really enjoyed reading them!

  3. Hessa - What a well summed last blog post. I will miss reading your blog posts every week. Nonetheless, what an outstanding effort! xx

  4. I have 2 things to say :)
    1. I LOOOVE your use of rhetorical questions! It really keeps the reader wondering and on track with your writing.
    2. I agree, it was probably DEFINITELY jealousy from all these anti-stratfordians and just wanting to make money from starting new controversy

    Awesome final blog post, your style is wonderful, and very sweet :D It interacts with the reader very well. You improved so much! GREAT JOB!

  5. HESSA! I can finally read your blogs! This was an excellent well written blog and I totally agree with Mai, I love your use of rhetorical questions! Your writing style is excellent and you kept my attention throughout the whole blog! An amazing last blog! WELL DONE :)

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